The Use of Small Group Discussion with Directed Activities Related to Texts (DARTs) Technique in Reading Comprehension

Dian Rachmawati, R. Alpha Amirrachman, Dina Rachmawati


The objective of this study was to find out the effect of the use of small group discussion with DARTs technique in improving students’ reading comprehension. Quantitative research was employed by applying a quasi-experimental design. The population of this study was the tenth-grade students of SMK YP Fatahillah 1 Kramatwatu. 62 students were chosen as the sample which was divided into two groups. The groups were put into experimental group and control group. The reading test was used as the instrument of this research (pre-test and post-test). The data were analyzed by using normality test, test of homogeneity and hypothesis test (t-test). Data analysis revealed that the calculated t was higher than the value of t-table from 0.05 level of significance and degree freedom (df) 60 of two-tailed test. That was 7.921 ≥ 2.000. It means that the null hypothesis (H_O) was rejected and alternative hypothesis 〖(H〗_a) was accepted. It indicated that there was an effect of the use of small group discussion with DARTs technique towards students’ reading comprehension. This study concludes that small group discussion with DARTs technique can be implemented by the English teacher to help students to improve their reading comprehension.

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