Students’ Study Habit in Speaking Skill (At Eleventh Grade of Manahijussadat Islamic Boarding School Lebak Banten)

Nurul Fadlilah, Nurhaeda Gailea, Akhmad Baihaqi


The research focuses on students’ study habit in speaking skill at Eleventh grade students of Manahijussadat Islamic Boarding School Lebak Banten. The aim of this research is to analyze how students manage their habits in learning speaking. The research method of this research used case study and qualitative approach. For data collection, researcher used interview, observation, and documentation. The results of the research are (1) students’ study habit while process in speaking skill that used by students at Manahijusadat Islamic Boarding School Lebak Banten are: Time Management; Participation; and Memorization. (2) Reading and note taking applied when students have motivation to increase their knowledge (3) Planning of subjects applied by students in order more active and understood during learning process, and (4) Preparation of examination applied by students in order to obtain good score and success in examination. It can be concluded that study habit can improve students’ achievement especially in speaking skill.

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