Sa’adah Sa’adah


This research reports a study on Lecturer’s use of interaction strategies in English Language Teaching at Speaking Class of Second Semester at EFL of Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Classroom observation was selected as a method in this study by FIAC (Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories) and Rebecca Oxford as instrument. The researcher conducted a case study with qualitative method, in which the writer took first and second meeting. The writer collects the data with observation for lecturer and student, questionnaire for student, and then interview for lecturer. this research show that lecturer spent 63.64% in her teaching time for lecturer-student and student-student interaction spent 36.36%. Category in FIAC can be divided into four categories, the first is lecturer support. It consists accepting feeling, praises and encourage, and Accepts or uses ideas of pupils. All of them can be calculated 7.26% in the first meeting and the second meeting was 1.62%. and the second is  content cross 85.46% in the first meeting and the second meeting was 99.88%. It consists Asks questions and lecturing. The third is lecturer control 2.83% in the first meeting and the second meeting was 4.06%. It consists Gives directions and Criticizes or justifies authority. the last is student participation 4.60% in the first meeting and in the second meeting was 6.14%. It consists Response, Initiation and Students Talk Initiation. In summary, that lecturer dominated interaction in the class. The lecturer used all of FIAC strategy in lecturer talk, except accepts or uses ideas of pupils. The researcher didn’t find it in the class, so the effect that student had limited time and opportunity in interaction or practice in the class. Besides that, the student was rarely in speaking English, they refer to use Bahasa Indonesia than English in the class in order to get easy in understand or answer the question of lecturer question.

Keywords: classroom interaction, lecturer-student interaction, interaction, teaching strategies

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