The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching English is a challenging and demanding issue. Thus, it becomes crucial that pre-service teachers to be outfitted with the ability to integrate ICT into English classroom. This study aims at identifying pre-service teacher attitude and competences on the use of ICT in teaching English as a foreign language. A study was conducted to 50 pre-service teachers during 2015-2016 academic year that includes closed question items focused on pre-service teachers’ attitude towards ICT and their level of competence in the use of ICT. The responses were analysed in frequency and percentages. The study informed that the pre-service teachers demonstrated a positive attitude towards using ICT for teaching and they are competent in the use of few basic ICT operations. The results suggest that the department should have a closer look at the teacher education curriculum and other aspects of the formal preparation of these pre-service teachers about the necessary competences in the use of ICT in teaching English.
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