The Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Speaking English of Eight Grade Studentsat SMPN 1 Majasari

Amanda Kenshi Nurfitri, Eri Rahmawati


This research aims to describe and analyse the factors of students' difficulties in speaking English language faced by eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Majasari. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis technique. The population in this study were 82 students in the eighth grade; which were divided into three classes (VIII A consisted of 29 students, VIII B consisted of 30 students, and VIII C consisted of 23 students). Therefore, the sample of the population in this research were taken by a simple random sampling technique; six students (two students each class) to answer the interviews, and 33 students (11 students each class) to answer the questionnaires. In collecting data, the instruments used in this study were tests in the form of multiple choice questions and recorded interviews. While to analyze the data, qualitative data analysis procedures were administered through data display, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the factors of students’ difficulty to speak English in class VIII SMPN 1 Majasari were; affective factors (low motivation & anxiety), listening ability, inhibition, focus on grammar, social environment and mother-tongue use. It is recommended for the English teachers to use some strategies to help the students overcome their difficulties in speaking.

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