Critical thinking representation in EFL pre-service teachers’ lesson plans

Dwi Puji Hastuti, Diah Kristina, Endang Setyaningsih


Critical thinking is a highly valued generic skill in education around the world. Teachers and pre-service teachers at education faculties have to acquire critical thinking skills to meet the expectations and demands of their future profession. The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service teachers' lesson plans to see how critical thinking is included in EFL lesson plans. Content analysis is employed to determine to what extent the instructions and tasks in EFL pre-service teachers' lesson plans promote and strengthen students' critical thinking skills. For analytic categories, the study used Revised Bloom's Taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001). The study found that critical thinking skills were incorporated into the instructions and tasks of EFL pre-service teachers' lesson plans. However, the proportion should be improved to accommodate all cognitive processes evenly, particularly for higher-order thinking skills. The findings should help EFL pre-service teachers identify critical thinking skills to be infused in their lesson plans and used in EFL classrooms. Furthermore, the findings also provide educational policymakers insight into critical thinking as a considerable skill to be incorporated in the teacher education program.

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