This paper aims to find out EFL students’ perception of SPADA Untirta learning management system at University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang – Banten. To achieve study purposes, the researcher attempted to answer two questions. The purposes of the study are to find out EFL students’ perception of SPADA as Untirta learning management system and to find out the operational conditions of SPADA Untirta as learning management system (LMS) in the teaching-learning process of Survival Speaking Subject at English Department of FKIP. The researcher used a questionnaire of 4-Likert Scale in order to gather data from one hundred and eight students. The researcher also conducted an interview to answer the second research question. The collected data were analyzed in the form of descriptive analysis. The results of the study showed that SPADA Untirta LMS have good features, functionalities, and good impact on learning Survival Speaking course. SPADA Untirta is using Moodle as the platform sources code. The average of the students’ scores sighted 84.36 for the class A; 84.05 for the class B; and 84.01 for the class C that classified as the good scores result. On the other hand, the results revealed that SPADA Untirta operation condition the lecturer collaborated with teacher-assistant in order to organized the course material to make synchronous and asynchronous teaching-learning process. Network trouble issues always become the main problem. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University provided a breakthrough related to solving the networking problem in which SPADA developer already upgraded the servers, infrastructure, and specifications. Based on the results, the researcher presented a number of conclusions and recommendations.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v6i1.12508
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