Practices in Distance Education and Learning: A Case Study at Flame Lingua

Catur Wijayanti


This article describes about how distance learning practices can be presented more interestingly. It is a case study in an informal institution of Flame Lingua. which already runs various practices of distance learning for learners. Related with the pandemic era, practices distance learning can be used as an alternative way appropriately. In addition, the use of technology also has a pivotal role in the educational field. It can facilitate the learners around the world to learn more efficiently, because they can learn in everywhere or every time that they want. Furthermore, online facilitation is also needed to enhance the practice of distance education because it becomes an important tool to be used. As a result, the demanding to use technology in educational field is also increasing (Tugun, 2016). It emerges to be a greater prominence. Related about that, One of the technology examples that can be implemented is web-based applications. It can be used to enhance learner’s interest in distance education. It also provides an interesting and powerful resources for the learners. There are some web based applications which already have applied in Flame Lingua. The teacher and the learners in Flame Lingua are able to have a commnicative teaching and learning process through Google Meeting. They also can learn through an interactive quiz or games, such as Bamboozle and ISL Collective. Those applications are beneficial to attain the teaching and learning process becomes more interestingly, especially in distance education. So, practices in distance education and learning is needed.

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Accessed 10 September 2021)



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