Investigating the Employment of Discourse Markers by EFL Learners in Their Speaking Performance

Citra Getsemani, Risna Saswati


This study investigates the employment of discourse markers by learners in their speaking in classroom interaction. This study applies a qualitative method in describing the use of discourse markers in learners’ speaking to make their speaking understandable to their partners. This study borrows the theory of types of discourse markers from Biber et. al (1999). The data are taken from a video-recorded portfolio posted in Google classroom. The data are transcribed and analysed. The results of the research show that the discourse markers are used by the learners. It is shown that the discussion contained ten types of discourse markers, which are interjection, greeting and farewell expressions, linking adverbials, stance adverbials, vocatives, response elicitors, response forms, hesitator, various polite speech-act formulates, and expletives. The learners use linking adverbials as the most frequent use of discourse markers. It concludes that every type of discourse marker that is employed by the learners is beneficial in helping the speakers communicate their thoughts to the listeners and helpful in assisting the listeners to comprehend the talk.2

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