The Beleid Editorial Team: Journal of State Administrative Law and Public Policy (BELEID: JALPP) publishes the Beleid Journal Volume 1 Number 1 May 2023 with the special theme "The Role of the Government in Civil Service Law and State Finances to Realize the Indonesian Welfare State" which is divided into several important sectors, namely :
Environmental law;
State Administrative Law;
Public policy;
State Financial Law.
These articles originate from Indonesia. Indonesian writer comes from Banten.
In the May 2023 issue, we feature a variety of research articles. Analysis of Supervision of State Financial Management on the Principles of Transparency and Accountability Based on Village Financial Management Regulations, by Nela Erdianti, Muhammad Rizqi Hilal Ilham Ramadhan, Juridical Analysis of the Implementation of Eel Fish Seed Regulations, by Roisatun Nisa, Ronny Irawan Wahju, Akhmad Solihin, Authority of the City Administration Land Office North Jakarta In Resolving Land Disputes Through Mediation Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Number 21 of 2020 concerning Handling and Settlement of Land Cases, by Kamila Dwi Mahardika, Equalization of Administrative Positions into ASN Functional Positions in the Banten Province ESDM Service as Improving the Quality of Professionalism of State Civil Servants Based on Permenpan-RB Number 17 of 2021 concerning the Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions, by Elia Fatmawasari Sihotang, H.E. Rakhmat Jazuli, Nurikah, The Role of the Cilegon City Government in Implementing the Merit System to Create Professional ASN in the Cilegon City Government Based on Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus, by Bunga Nur Khofifah, Reclamation and Food Security from the Sea in Serang Regency, by Widiatul Arafah, Muhammad Rizki
Table of Contents
Nela Erdianti, Muhammad Rizqi Hilal Ilham Ramadhan
Roisatun Nisa, Ronny Irawan Wahju, Akhmad Solihin
Kamila Dwi Mahardika
Elia Fatmawasari Sihotang, H.E. Rakhmat Jazuli, Nurikah Nurikah
Bunga Nur Khofifah
Widiatul Arafah, Muhammad Rizki