Pengendalian Impor Kedelai dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional di Kabupaten Serang
Soybean is a unique strategic commodity in the Indonesian farming system and is included in the top three main food commodities in Indonesia besides rice and corn. Apart from being a people's food, soybeans are also the healthiest source of vegetable protein and soybeans are known to be cheap and very affordable in terms of price and quality by most of the Indonesian people. In the period 2015 - 2019 the national soybean production looks worrying because it continues to decline significantly by 37.33% in 2017 from the previous year which also fell 10.75%, so that Indonesia has to import 2,087,986 tons of soybeans to meet 71% domestic demand for soybeans. Agricultural policies for more than 10 years have not been optimal in the development of the agricultural sector, now is the time to change with the development of soybeans widely in the Serang Regency area with planting of approximately 500 hectares spread over 6 location points, namely Pabuaran, Ciomas, Padarincang, Cinangka, Anyer Districts. , and Mancak. The soybean variety currently being planted is the Migo Ratu Serang variety which has been registered with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.
Keywords: Soybean, Import, Policy, Variety
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