Pengaruh Pekerjaan, Promosi, Rekan Kerja, Atasan, Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Studi Kasus Di Pt. Primissima Medari Sleman Yogyakarta

Fx Pudjo Wibowo, Fidellis Wato Tholok


The purpose of this paper is to determine the extent of the influence of work, promotion, co-workers, superiors and work environment on employee work productivity at PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta.

Validity and reliability tests show that all question items are from work variables (X_1), promotions (X_2), coworkers (X_3), supervisors (X_4) and work environment (X_5), all valid and reliable questions, t value calculated jobs 1.987 , the value of promotion t count is 2.326, the value of the worker's t count is 4,870, the value of the t count of the boss is 7,597 and the value of the t count of work environment is 2,363 which all shows greater than t table 1,984, so this hypothesis states that work (X_1), promotion (X_2) , coworkers (X_3), superiors (X_4) and work environment (X_5) partially positive effect on employee work productivity at. PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta. F count is 142,920 with a significance value of 0,000 so that the value of F count> F table or 142,920> 2.46 or the level of significance (sig) 0,000 <0.05, then it can be concluded that simultaneously (together) between work (X_1), promotion (X_2 ), coworkers (X_3), superiors (X_4) and work environment (X_5), towards work productivity of employees at PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta and the results of the coefficient of determination show that work (X_1), promotion (X_2), coworkers (X_3), boss (X_4) and work environment (X_5) contribute 88, 4% to Employee Productivity at PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta.


jobs, promotions, coworkers, superiors and work environment and employee productivity

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