The Protection and Empowerment of Farmers: Legal Policy Framework Beyond Farmer Insurance

Fatkhul Muin, Haris Mubarak


The welfare paradigm for the community is always related to the policy model that will be issued by the government and local governments. Legal policy is an instrument in an effort to provide justice, legal certainty and benefits for the community. Indonesia as an agrarian country needs protection for the development of the farming system for farmers by providing welfare guarantees for farmers. This is inseparable from the legal instruments that must be owned by the state in order to encourage concrete protection to farmers in the event of crop failure. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 19 of 2013 on the Protection and Empowerment of Farmers is a basic instrument in an effort to provide protection to farmers, especially on farmer insurance and the existence of the Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 40 of 2015 on the Facilitation of Agricultural Insurance is a derivative of the protection of farmers. But the current problem is needed to strengthen the understanding of farmers to be part of the legal policy efforts of farmers in order to provide protection to farmers. This research uses a qualitative method with a normative approach and analyzes in depth the existing conditions.


Policy, Law, Insurance and Farmers


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Asuransi Pertanian Sejahterakan Petani Kini Dan Nanti, dikases melalui



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