Integrating Traditional Games into EFL Speaking Class: A case of English for Young Learners
Speaking is an inevitable skill that EFL young learners have to master. However, their anxiety and teacher’s strategies in the class remain the big issues which cause the low engagement in the speaking activities. This study examined if integrating traditional games into English class can lower the anxiety and increase their motivation to learn the skill by real interaction and collaboration provided in the games. The study observed a class of the fifth grade in Bandung, Indonesia learning speaking by implementing traditional games. The descriptive study equipped with the observation checklist, transcription of the recorder and questionnaires were used to look into the students’ experiences and responses. The study revealed that integrating traditional games in English classes could boost young learners’ motivation in learning the skill and bring about better confidence in speaking in English. Moreover, the integration could build a joyful and safe learning atmosphere, thus lowering anxiety for the students.
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