Factors Influencing Indonesian EFL Students’ Decisions and Time Spent For Utilizing Podcasts in Extensive Listening Classes

Delsa Miranty


The current study investigates the factors influencing EFL students' decisions and how much time most students spend listening to podcasts in extensive listening courses by English students in the Education Department at a public university in Indonesia. In this study, 113 EFL students were asked what factors influenced their decisions and how much time they spent listening to podcasts in their extensive listening classes. Students were also instructed to participate in monthly reports to help them understand what they heard. The teacher accomplished this by distributing podcasts over four months during long listening sessions. A closed-ended survey via Google Forms inquired about the factors that matter and how long to use a podcast in a listening class. The closed-ended questionnaire's mean and standard deviation percentages were calculated using SPPS version 20, and there is no significant statistical finding. The amount of time spent on podcasts was thoroughly examined. The study's findings revealed that the usefulness factor greatly influenced EFL students' decisions to use podcasts in their listening classes. Then, the enjoyment and relative advantages factors differed significantly from the other four factors. Furthermore, it was discovered that most students set aside 15-30 minutes during their extensive listening classes to use the podcast. Moreover, this study suggests that educators incorporate podcasts into their instructional practices to improve students' listening skills. This recommendation recognizes podcasts as an effective technology-mediated learning tool for enhancing EFL teaching and learning while also assisting students in academic success, particularly in extensive listening skills.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/jels.v8i2.21535


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