Strategic competence is one of the components of mathematical proficiency to describe the students’ mathematics learning success. Strategic competence includes students’ effort to formulate suitable mathematical model and to solve mathematical problems with efficient methods. Personality types contribute to the problem-solving process. This qualitative research investigated strategic competence aspects of students with thinking personality when they solved math’s word problems. They were in the eleventh grade of high school in Jambi. This study aims to: 1) identify the strategic competence of students with thinking personality in solving word problems, 2) analyze the type of students errors in solving word problems, and 3) describe the causes of student errors in solving word problems. Firstly, MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality test was given to find the personality type of each student. Furthermore, selecting three students who have thinking personality. Then students having thinking personality were given a strategic competence test in the form of word problems for topic of linear program. The causes of students errors in solving linear program problems were obtained based on the result of interviews with students. The results showed that; 1) students with thinking personality were classified in the category of good because these students were able to fulfill the three aspects of strategic competence in solving mathematical word problems, 2) there were 4 types of mistakes made by student with thinking personality, namely concept error, fact errors, principle errors and operation errors, 3) the causes of students’ errors were lack of understanding the prerequisite material for the material of the linear program, lack of thoroughness in solving word problems, lack of understanding the language of matter, and material often given by the teacher without being associated with daily life.
Keywords: Strategic Competence, Thinking Personality, Word ProblemsFull Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/jppm.v13i2.7291
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