Vol 8, No 2 (2023)

October 2023

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/volt.v8i2

List of accepted papers (Article in Press)
Each paper requires minor changes for it to be accepted. Editors will go through the revisions and gives final approval. However, it is good to remember that "this status decision" does not guarantee acceptance. The paper will be accepted only if the editors are satisfied with the changes made.

Table of Contents


Hafizh Ulwan, Ahmad Taqwa, Sopian Soim
Tony Koerniawan, Ersalia Dewi Nursita, Maharesmi Apsari
Salsabila Dina Sari, Sopian Soim, L. Lindawati
S. Suroso, N. Nasron, Rizky Rian Nawawi
C. Ciksadan, Ade Silvia Handayani, Wildan Putra Pratama
Wulan Damayanti, Devi Udariansyah