Erna Irawati, Meliyawati Meliyawati


Long-term goal of this study is to prepare students' communication competencies with class activity that becomes a habit so students are able to communicate with others in real life using English. The specific targets of this research are to describe the implementation of booktalks program by utilizing play books application; analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of booktalks program; find out students’ response on booktalks program; and describe students’ speaking skill after joining booktalks program. Qualitative data was obtained from 27 participants through observation, questionnaire distribution, and interview. The results showed: 1) booktalks program run very well with the average success of the program above 75% that is 75.26% 2) the supporting factors of booktalks program are: book access, conducive environment, reading log, specified time limit, follow-up activity, encouragement to read, and reading role model; the inhibiting factor was book appeal, interview result revealed that some students turned to other book applications because of purchased books. 3) questionnaire analysis showed students’ high response on all aspects with 86.32% average score which means that students gave positive response towards booktalks program. 4) students' English speaking skill improved in fluency, vocabulary and comprehension after joining booktalks program.

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