Lusi Mayangsari, Joko Nurkamto, Slamet Supriyadi


Culture is one of the importance aspects in language learning. By understanding the culture of particular language the students are able to communicate better in this global village. Moreover, the students should be able to express their own culture. Due to these cases, the student needs a cross cultural understanding as be an intercultural competent. Textbook is the main source of information for the students to improve their intercultural competence. This study aims to investigate how culture was employed in English textbooks, which is used for 8th grade students in Indonesia. The study explored the cultural categories in the textbook. In order to analyze the textbook, descriptive content analysis was be used. The result showed that this textbook has dominated source culture and the materials which present any particular culture. The target culture has the less intention in this book. Then the suggestions are provided with the expectations of developing the textbook which meet up with the students’ need in this era.

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