Nia Novianti, John Pahamzah, Rosmania Rima


The research entitled Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Pop-up Book at Seventh Grade of SMPN 08 Kota Serang. A Classroom Action Research (CAR) was used as a research methodology. This research was conducted at the seventh grade of SMPN 08 Kota Serang in academic year of 2017/2018, there were 31 students as the subject of the research. This research was conducted in two cycle each cycle consisted of three meetings. The procedure of each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The researchers used pretest and post-test to collect the quantitative data. Meanwhile, observation sheet was used for collecting the qualitative data. The objectives of this research is to find out whether pop-up book as a media can be used to improve the students vocabulary mastery at seventh grade of SMPN 08 Kota Serang or not. The results of the research, there was improvement students’ vocabulary mastery by using pop-up book as a media. It could be seen from the improvement in each cycle. The average score of pretest was 58.87. Post-test in cycle I was 76.61, and the average of post-test in cycle II was 86.77. So, it is found that the students got an improvement 10.16 points or 22% from the total score. In conclusion, pop-up book as a media of teaching learning process could improve students’ vocabulary mastery at seventh grade of SMPN 08 Kota Serang.

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