Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan Party (PDI-P) And Islam: Nationalism-Religious Relations in Indonesian Electoral Politics

Hasto Kristyanto, Satya Arinanto, Hanief Saha Ghafur


This study examines the relationship between the PDI Perjuangan Party and Islam in Indonesian electoral politics. This study is important because the relationship between nationalism and the position of Islam in the political realm of Indonesia with the largest Muslim population in the world is relatively complex and problematic. Based on Michael Foucault's concept of power, it can be seen that the position of Islam within the PDI Perjuangan Party forms a system of power relations. Methodologically, this study uses a qualitative approach and literature study methods. Literature studies are carried out by searching, collecting and studying written materials in the form of speech texts, Party Congress minutes, books, journals and also websites of authoritative institutions. The results of the study show that the relationship between PDI Perjuangan Party and Islam was built by integrating national and Islamic values in political programs that were in line with the party's ideology. The implementation of PDIP Party and Islam relations includes: First, consistently in the 2004, 2014 and 2019 presidential elections pairing nationalist-religious figures as Presidential Candidates and Vice-Presidential Candidates, namely Megawati Sukarnoputri-Hasyim Muzadi (2004), Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla (2014), and Joko Widodo-KH. Ma'ruf Amin (2019). Second, in the Pilkada pairing of nationalist-religious figures and the recorded number of NU cadres who became regional heads who came from PDIP Party was 109 regional heads, one of which was the pair Ganjar Pranowo (PDI Perjuangan Party) and Taj Yasin Maimoen (PPP) in the 2018 Pilkada. Third, collaboration PDI Perjuangan Party with religious institutions, such as NU and Muhammdiyah. Fourth, institutionally in the 2005-2010 Management it added the “Religion and Spirituality Sector” (now the “Religious Affairs and Belief in God Almighty” Sector) and the fundamental thing was establishing the Baitul Muslimin Indonesia (Bamusi) party wing on 29 March 2007. In this context Bamusi is an effort of Governmentality.


ideology; nationalism; islam; PDI Perjuangan party; megawati soekarnoputri

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