
Issue Title
Volume 4, Issue 1: (2019) June Democracy and Economic Welfare: An Empirical Analysis Abstract  16-29 PDF
Afrimadona Afrimadona, Shanti Darmastuti, Laode Muhamad Fathun
Volume 8 Issue 4: (2023) From Tolerance To Violent Extremism: Exploring The Citizens Characteristics Of West Java Abstract  PDF 500-516
Muradi Muradi, Idil Akbar, Jonah Silas
Volume 2, Issue 2: (2017) December Demokrasi dan Pengawas Pemilu Abstract  PDF
Dede Sri Kartini
Volume 9 Issue 2: (2024) Unveiling the Strategic Model of Political Lies Abstract  PDF 201-226
Firmansyah Firmansyah, Muhammad Sauki, Rahmad Hidayat
Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023) Weakening Participation in A Chain Reaction: Facts on Two Interrelated Decentralization-based Programs Abstract  PDF 43-60
George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal
Volume 7 Issue 1: (2022) A Bibliometric Analysis of Open Government: Study on Indonesia and Philippines Abstract  PDF 133-143
Umi Kulsum, Achmad Nurmandi, Isnaini Muallidin, Mohammad Jafar Loilatu, Danang Kurniawan
Volume 4, Issue 1: (2019) June Populism in the 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election Abstract  1-15 PDF
Abdul Hamid
Volume 1, Issue 1: (2016) December DEPOLITICISATION OF PUBLIC ISSUE:LOW DEGREE OF GOVERNMENT’S DEMOCRATIC LEGITIMACY (The Case of the Reclamation Policy of Benoa Bay, Bali, Indonesia) Abstract  PDF
M. Dian Hikmawan, Rahmad Hidayat
Volume 2, Issue 1: (2017) June Menimbang Pentingnya Desentralisasi Partai Politik di Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Ahmad Solikhin
Volume 2, Issue 2: (2017) December PLURALISME DEMOKRASI POLITIK DI INDONESIA Abstract  PDF
M. Dian Hikmawan
Volume 7 Issue 1: (2022) Social Exchange: Community Participation and the Future of General Elections in Indonesia Abstract  PDF 100-109
Hikmat Hikmat
Volume 5, Issue 1: (2020) June The Success of Women's Participation In Resolving Conflicts In Liberia Abstract  71-90 PDF
Dewi Masitoh
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