
Issue Title
Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023) Development of System Dynamic Models for Improving E-Governments Performance Local Governments in Lampung Province Abstract  PDF 101-116
Ida Nurhaida, Andi Windah, Nina Yudha Aryanti, Arif Sugiono
Volume 7 Issue 4: (2022) The Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Community-Based Tourism in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Retno Dewi Pramodia Ahsani, Catur Wulandari, Chandra Dinata, Novia Amirah Azmi, Aqil Teguh Fathani
Volume 8 Issue 2: (2023) Penta Helix Model In Local Tourism Development Through “Peken Banyumasan” Abstract  PDF 236-246
Teddy Rusmawan, Denok Kurniasih, Anggara Setya Saputra, Devit Bagus Indranika
Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023) Performance Appraisal for Career Development in A Semi-Political Institution Abstract  PDF 17-30
Eko Prasojo, Ghina Samarah, Desy Hariyati
Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023) Inclusive Development and Efforts to Improve Community Economy in Indonesia Abstract  PDF 117-137
Herman Deru, Kgs. M. Sobri, Alfitri Alfitri, Andries Lionardo
Volume 8 Issue 2: (2023) What Makes Village Economic Development Successful? Evidence in Two Villages, Malang Regency Indonesia Abstract  PDF 177-196
La Ode Machdani Afala, Restu Karlina Rahayu
Volume 5 Issue 2; (2020) December Managing Women's Village Activists Participation in Village Development Planning Abstract  216-236 PDF
Andy Fefta Wijaya, Dian Andryanto, Wike Wike
Volume 8 Issue 2: (2023) Policy Network on Village Development in Bandung Regency (Study on Community-Based Housing and Settlement Development) Abstract  PDF 247-262
Entang Adhy Muhtar, Riswanda Riswanda
Volume 7 Issue 3: (2022) Implementation of Sustainable Development Policies in Waste Management Abstract  PDF
Lia Muliawaty, Rizky Ilhami
Volume 8 Issue 3: (2023) Development of Military Role in Indonesian Government Abstract  PDF 413-426
Yusa Djuyandi
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Development Planning During The Covid-19 Pandemic And The New Normal In Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Jam'an Jam'an
Volume 7 Issue 4: (2022) The Role of Leadership in the Development of Public Organizations Abstract  PDF
Eden Komarudin Soeardi, Rizky Ilhami, Willya Achmad
Volume 9 Issue 4: (2024) Malaysia-Indonesia Cross Border Govenance Policy in Accelerating Economic Development Abstract
Wawan Budi Darmawan, Sayed Fauzan Riyadi
Volume 9 Issue 3: (2024) The Void in Local Governance for Rural Development: Understanding Public Leadership in Village Transformation in Indonesia Abstract  PDF 394-410
Wildan Taufik Raharja, Fierda Nurany, Dyajeng Puteri Woro Subagio, Mohammad Reevany Bustami
Volume 8 Issue 4: (2023) Analysis of Nepal Van Java Tourism Development Strategy During Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract  PDF 656-665
Sri Suwitri, Yuni Kurniasih, Rani Pajrin, R Yogie Prawira
Volume 8 Issue 4: (2023) The Influence of Village Fund Allocation Policies on Infrastructure Development in Villages Abstract  PDF 619-627
Ade Irawan
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Innovation and Development in Improving Public Services During the New Normal Era in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Kurhayadi Kurhayadi
Volume 7 Issue 1: (2022) The Border Development in Biski Beach Tourism in Riau Province Abstract  PDF 222-238
Afrizal Afrizal, Mimin Sundari Nasution, Mayarni Mayarni
Volume 6, Issue 1 : (2021) June Governability, New Development, and Rural Economy at Sanankerto Village, Indonesia Abstract  PDF 1-22
La Ode Machdani Afala, Rachmad Gustomy
Volume 5, Issue 1: (2020) June Effectiveness of The Agriculture and Food Department in Developing The Food Security Sector in Yalimo Regency Abstract  105-122 PDF
Muhammad Sawir, Syarifuddin Hafid
0 - 0 of 24 Items > >> 

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