
Issue Title
Volume 6, Issue 1 : (2021) June Legislature and Governance A Comparative Study between Bangladesh and Japan Abstract  PDF 85-103
Bikram Biswas, Md. Shamsul Arefin, Sajib Kumar Roy, Mohammad Nur Ullah
Volume 9 Issue 1: (2024) Government Effectiveness and Good Governance Index: The Case of Indonesia Abstract  PDF 106-126
Ihyani Malik
Volume 8 Issue 3: (2023) Mikirecco of Shekacho: Rethinking The Indigenous System of Governance and Uncovering Its Democratic Features Abstract  PDF 312-329
Admasu Adraro Akako, Wasihun Bezabih Bekele, Ehadig Geda Goda
Volume 7 Issue 4: (2022) Sound Governance Analysis: Local Government Partnership Model In Village Community Empowerment Abstract  PDF
Suryoto Suryoto, Paulus Israwan Setyoko, Ranjani Ranjani Ranjani
Volume 4, Issue 1: (2019) June The Steep Road to Institutionalizing Negotiable Governance in the Management of Village Development Abstract  45-67 PDF
Rahmad Hidayat, Hendra Hendra, Muhamad Iptidaiyah
Volume 4, Issue 2: (2019) December Does Good Governance Affect Globalization? A case of Bangladesh Abstract  102-123 PDF
Md. Monirul Islam
Volume 5 Issue 2; (2020) December Governing Water, Engaging Community: Indonesian Water Security Roadmap Abstract  202-215 PDF
Ida Widianingsih, Riswanda Riswanda, Caroline Paskarina
Volume 8 Issue 2: (2023) Local Government Preparedness in Response to the Transition from Pandemic to Endemic: An Adaptive Governance Perspective in Surabaya Municipality Abstract  PDF 295-311
Suhartono Winoto, M.R Khairul Muluk, Lestari Eko Wahyudi
Volume 7 Issue 1: (2022) The Arrangement of Indonesian Religious Harmony: Lessons from Cilegon Banten Abstract  PDF 24-36
Kandung Sapto Nugroho, Rahayu Rahayu, Muhammad Adnan, Hardi Warsono
Volume 6 Issue 2: (2021) December Adaptive Climate Change Governance in Makassar, Indonesia Abstract  PDF 244-258
Zaldi Rusnaedy, Almuhajir Haris, Umar Congge, Andi Luhur Prianto
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Implementation of Good Governance in Local Government Systems in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Ari Purwanti
Volume 8 Issue 3: (2023) Collaborative Governance Oversight in Corruption Prevention Efforts in Indonesia Abstract  PDF 384-395
Ucok Abdulrauf Damenta, Kumba Digdowiseiso
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Good Governance: From State Civil Servants into Government Employment Agreement (PPPK) Abstract  PDF
Dicky Maryono
Volume 9 Issue 4: (2024) Malaysia-Indonesia Cross Border Govenance Policy in Accelerating Economic Development Abstract
Wawan Budi Darmawan, Sayed Fauzan Riyadi
Volume 9 Issue 3: (2024) Typology of Governance: Case Study of the Evolution of National Climate Change Policy Abstract  PDF 445-460
Jona Bungaran Basuki Sinaga
Volume 3, Issue 1: (2018) June Memotret E-Procurement dalam Mewujudkan Good Governance di Indonesia Abstract  18-34 PDF
Budi Chrismanto Sirait
Volume 7 Issue 1: (2022) Implementation of Collaborative Governance in Flood Management in the Greater Bandung Area Abstract  PDF 311-322
Rulinawaty Rulinawaty, Lukman Samboteng, Sofjan Aripin, M Rachmat Kasmad, Mutmainnah Basit
Volume 9 Issue 3: (2024) The Void in Local Governance for Rural Development: Understanding Public Leadership in Village Transformation in Indonesia Abstract  PDF 394-410
Wildan Taufik Raharja, Fierda Nurany, Dyajeng Puteri Woro Subagio, Mohammad Reevany Bustami
Volume 7 Issue 4: (2022) Towards Bureaucratic Reform to Achieve Good Governance Abstract  PDF
Agus Fatah Hidayat
Volume 9 Issue 3: (2024) Community Resilience and Political Behavior: The Case of Disaster-Resilient Village in Banyuwangi During COVID-19 Abstract  PDF 377-393
Adhi Cahya Fahadayna, Faqih Alfian, Rizqi Bachtiar
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