Governmentality in Marine Spatial Utilization Policy: The Case of Riau Islands Province
Study This investigate implementation the concept of governmentality in policy utilization room sea , with focus on the case Province Riau Islands ( Kepri ). Governmentality, as framework Work theoretically proposed by Michel Foucault, applied in context policy utilization room sea For analyze How government Province Riau Islands manage and direct and relations of interest and interaction public with environment its unique sea . Using method qualitative with literature study in this study highlights various governmentality aspects carried out by the government in the policy aspects of utilization room sea in the Province of Kepri . Research results later will show that government Province Riau Islands whether has prioritizing governmentality for formulate policies that cover sustainability ecosystem sea , participation community in utilization room sea , and integration modern technology to until stages taking decision by showing the dominant actors who influence the political relations in the marine space utilization policy . This approach collaborative between government area , government center , and parties private sector at regional and international levels become characteristics important that will discussed in implementation of governmentality in the Province Kepri . In addition , the recognition to rights customs and wisdom local public Coast become an integral part of utilization room sea , creating balance between development economy and conservation environment .
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