Determinan Modal Manusia Di Indonesia: Menggunakan Estimasi Panel

Indra Suhendra


Human capital is very important and crucial. Its existence can encourage a faster acceleration in a country's economic growth. This research was conducted to study the determinants of human capital in the context of provinces in Indonesia, which consists of per capita GRDP, availability of per capita deposits, per capita health sector budget realization, and per capita education budget realization during the period 2015 to 2019. Human capital is calculated using the average years of schooling and the expected years of schooling which are formulated in an education index as the UNDP's education index formula in estimating human capital. The findings of this research are that human capital in the current year is positively and significantly affected by per capita GRDP, per capita health sector budget realization, and per capita education budget realization. Also affected positively but not significantly by the availability of savings per capita. This research is useful for policymakers in Indonesia, especially provincial and district / city governments to continuously increase per capita GRDP, realization of per capita health sector budget, and realization of per capita education sector budget to increase human capital in their respective regions


GRDP, deposits, health budget, educational budget and human capital

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