
Issue Title
Volume 9 Issue 1: (2024) Institutional Accessibility in Providing Development Data as a Primary Dimension of the Village Government's Public Accountability Abstract  PDF 127-142
Muhammad Taufiq, Rahmad Hidayat
Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023) Implementing Citizen’s Charter in Urban Local Government in Bangladesh: Do Accountability and Public Awareness Matter? Abstract  PDF 1-16
Sajib Kumar Roy, Mohammad Nur Ullah, Bikram Biswas, Md Mafizur Rahman
Volume 7 Issue 4: (2022) Public Employee Accountability in Official Family Planning and Population Control (DPPKB) Bekasi Regency Abstract  PDF
Kristian Widya Wicaksono, Kania Anggraeny Ramadhan
Volume 5 Issue 2; (2020) December Discretion and Accountability of Local Government in Administering Governance Abstract  237-248 PDF
Anwar Sadat
Volume 9 Issue 2: (2024) Exploring the Role of Ethics and Accountability in Enhancing Organizational Performance: The Moderating Influence of Perceived Organizational Support in the Public Sector Abstract  PDF 189-200
Kazeem Adebayo Oladimeji
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