
Issue Title
Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023) Performance Appraisal for Career Development in A Semi-Political Institution Abstract  PDF 17-30
Eko Prasojo, Ghina Samarah, Desy Hariyati
Volume 4, Issue 2: (2019) December Public Services Motivation (PSM) in One Stop Integrated Services in Merauke Regency Abstract  156-170 PDF
Andri Irawan, Burhanudin Mukhamad Faturahman
Volume 6 Issue 2: (2021) December The Performance of Election Organizers in the Implementation of the 2020 Regional Elections During The COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract  PDF 202-215
Dimas Subekti, Suswanta Suswanta, Muchamad Zaenuri
Volume 8 Issue 2: (2023) Evaluating Public Website Performance: Content Analyses on Malang City Government Website Abstract  PDF 263-278
Sajida Sajida, Laela Tul Husna, Karina Widya Rahayu, Indah Ayu Suryawati
Volume 6 Issue 2: (2021) December The Effects of Lean and Agile Management on Work Effectiveness and Efficiency: A Case Study of Administration Public Service Department in Sumedang, Indonesia Abstract  PDF 259-271
Arip Rahman Sudrajat
Volume 7 Issue 4: (2022) The Influence of Organizational Culture On Employee Performance In Sukabumi City Abstract  PDF
Munandi Saleh
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Analysis of Performance Management Systems in Military Abstract  PDF
Setiawan Nur Prakoso Utomo, Reza Fathurrahman
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Stress and Work Performance Among Public Servants in Ghana Abstract  PDF
Ishmael Adams, Solomon Tetteh
Volume 7 Issue 1: (2022) Improving Local Government Performance Through Tax Optimization Abstract  PDF 110-120
Riyanto Wujarso, Saprudin Saprudin, Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar, Revan Andhitiyara, Arie Martin Parulian Napitupulu
Volume 9 Issue 2: (2024) Exploring the Role of Ethics and Accountability in Enhancing Organizational Performance: The Moderating Influence of Perceived Organizational Support in the Public Sector Abstract  PDF 189-200
Kazeem Adebayo Oladimeji
Volume 6 Issue 2: (2021) December Performance Management Concept Framework of The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Optimizing State Loss Recovery Abstract  PDF 285-300
Taryanto Taryanto, Eko Prasojo
Volume 9 Issue 1: (2024) The Big Five Personality Models' Personality Types' Effects on State Civil Apparatus Performance Abstract  PDF 58-73
Saprudin Saprudin, Kumba Digdowiseiso
Volume 5 Issue 2; (2020) December Determinants of Performance of Village Government in Early Implementation of Village Law Abstract  123-144 PDF
Slamet Rosyadi, Bambang Tri Harsanto, Khairu Roojiqien Sobandi
Volume 7 Issue 3: (2022) Development of Presence Administration Information System Model Abstract  PDF
Imas Sumiati, Ine Maryane, Setiadin Setiadin, Hari Bustomi
Volume 7 Issue 3: (2022) Government Leadership and Organizational Culture: A study on Regional Aparatus In Jambi City Abstract  PDF
Tri Raharjanto
Volume 7 Issue 1: (2022) Incentives For Workers As Intervening Variables On The National and Political Unity Agency (KESBANGPOL) Simalungun Regency Abstract  PDF 286-301
Jopinus Ramli Saragih
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