
Issue Title
Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023) The Effect of Economic Development on Illegal Gold Mining in Kuantan Singingi, Indonesia Abstract  PDF 31-42
Trio Saputra, Sulaiman Zuhdi, Fajarwaty Kusumawardhani, Rachmawati Novaria
Volume 8 Issue 4: (2023) Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Policy in Indonesia Abstract  PDF 643-655
Damiasih Damiasih
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) The Policy Implementation of Street Children’s Handling in Serang City, Banten Province Abstract  PDF
Titi Stiawati, Ika Arinia Indriyany
Volume 7 Issue 3: (2022) Implementation of Sustainable Development Policies in Waste Management Abstract  PDF
Lia Muliawaty, Rizky Ilhami
Volume 8 Issue 4: (2023) Retrospective Evaluation of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions in Ambon City Abstract  PDF 583-596
Jusuf madubun, Josep Antonius Ufi, Hadijah Madubun, Rizki Muhammad Ramdhan, Suleman Watianan
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Strategy for Policy Implementation on HIV/AIDS Prevention in Bali Province Abstract  PDF
Ida Ayu Putu Sri Widnyani, I Dewa Gede Putra Sedana, I Wayan Mirta, I Nyoman Mangku Suryana
Volume 9 Issue 4: (2024) Implementation Of Tourism Village Policy Based On The Collaborative Governance Plus Multi-Helix (CGPMH) Model In Pujon Kidul Tourism Village, Malang Regency Abstract
Annisa Nur Fitriana, Andy Fefta Wijaya, Alfi Haris Wanto
Volume 2, Issue 2: (2017) December EVALUASI KEBIJAKAN PENGELOLAAN PARKIR Studi Kasus: Kota Semarang Abstract  PDF
Hendrawan Toni Taruno
Volume 7 Issue 3: (2022) Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Development Policies in Bandung Abstract  PDF
Sundawa Bachtiar
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