
Issue Title
Volume 6 Issue 2: (2021) December Corruption Eradication in Indonesia: The Experience of The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abstract  PDF 231-243
Leo Agustino, Indah Fitriani, Harits Hijrah Wicaksana, Ahmad Daelami
Volume 4, Issue 1: (2019) June Ethical values and the perception of corruption Abstract  68-83 PDF
Riccardo. Pelizzo, Meirat Omarov
Volume 8 Issue 3: (2023) Collaborative Governance Oversight in Corruption Prevention Efforts in Indonesia Abstract  PDF 384-395
Ucok Abdulrauf Damenta, Kumba Digdowiseiso
Volume 9 Issue 3: (2024) The Dilemma of Corruption in a Decentralized System of Government Abstract  PDF 512-529
Abdul Basir Hamidi
Volume 8 Issue 4: (2023) Political Corruption and How to Combat Abstract  PDF 563-582
Aris Sarjito
Volume 7 Issue 2: (2022) Prevention of Corruption in the Procurement Process of Government Goods and Services in The Digital Era Abstract  PDF
Parningotan Malau
Volume 6 Issue 2: (2021) December Performance Management Concept Framework of The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Optimizing State Loss Recovery Abstract  PDF 285-300
Taryanto Taryanto, Eko Prasojo
Volume 6, Issue 1 : (2021) June Corruption and Legitimacy Abstract  PDF 63-72
Zulkarwin Zulkarwin
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